Saturday 15 December 2012

Hillary Clinton suffers concussion

Hillary Clinton: suffers concussion Globe-trotting US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hit her head and suffered a concussion while battling a nasty stomach bug, officials said Saturday, forcing herto stay home for a second week. “While suffering from a stomach virus, Secretary Clinton became dehydrated and fainted, sustaining a concussion,” Clinton’stop aide Philippe Reines said in a statement. The news came just as Clinton, 65, had been expected to testify on Thursday to US lawmakers about the findings of a highly-anticipated investigation into September’s militant attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The normally indefatigable Clinton, who in her four years as the top US diplomat has traveled almost a million miles visiting 112 countries, was “recovering” but plans to stay away from the officenext week. “She has been recovering at home and will continue to be monitored regularly by her doctors,” Reines added. At their recommendation, Clinton“will continue to work from homenext week, staying in regular contact with Department and other officials.” There are also a slew of Christmas festivities planned at the State Department next week that Clinton had planned to host. Clinton has already been out of the public eye for the past week, after she had to cancel a trip to North Africa when she contractedthe stomach virus on her return from a five-day visit to Europe. “The secretary’s been really very ill. I mean, very. This stomach virus is a pretty vicious one,” StateDepartment spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said Wednesday, adding the condition was not life-threatening. The former first lady and wife of ex-president Bill Clinton is the most popular member of President Barack Obama’s cabinet, with approval ratings of over 60 percent. Even though she aims to step down as secretary of state early next year, Obama has not yet revealed his pick to replace her. Many believe that she will also take a second shot at being elected America’s first woman president in the 2016 White House race. This week she denied again she was planning to run in 2016, but said that although she is looking forward to a rest as she is exhausted after spending two decades in the public eye, her age would not play a factor in any decision. “I am, thankfully, knock on wood, not only healthy, but have incredible stamina and energy,” she told ABC.

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